Saif Driving School believes everyone learns in different ways, therefore we work out a tailored, personalized lesson plan that’s designed to give you the very best chance of passing your test not only first time but also help turn you into a safe and confident driver. So if you looking for automatic driving lessons in Birmingham, Sandwell, West Bromwich and surrounding areas ,we can help, Get in touch!!!


In the beginning of your very first lesson , our driving Instructor will want to find out about your driving experience , so we know how many lessons you might need in total. Then we’ll work out how many sessions we can fit into a week. We usually recommend at least a two-hour lesson each week, because most people find this works best. But it’s your call and we’ll fit around your life as best we can. Your instructor will provide you with your very own “track record”; this is essentially a logbook that we use to monitor and show your progression as your driving skills develop. Its also a great way to keep your family and friends informed!


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    Your Full Name

    Your Email:

    Phone Number:

    Complete Address


    Preferred Time To Contact You:

    Required Course:

    Have you driven before?

    Have you taken driving test before??

    Any Other Requirement? (Optional)

    By submitting this form you will accept all the Terms and conditions of Saif Driving School

    Please prove you are human by selecting the heart.
